Sejong Consulting / Sejong CPA Alliance
Sejong provides professional solutions to the business community in Hong Kong. We stands out from the rest of the corporate services provider in that the management has strong Korean and practical background with experience from both of professional firms and listed companies in Hong Kong. With over 1,000 Korean companies in Hong Kong, Sejong can provide the unique “close-to-home” solutions to this local Korean community.
We have a number of professionals, including Hong Kong CPA, USCPA, CFA Charterholder, Certified FRM, Chartered Global Management Accountant, Chartered Secretary & Chartered Governance Professional, etc, and MBA & MCG (Master of Corporate Governance) from prestigious universities in Hong Kong, etc.
Our members have between 10 to 24 years of experience in their respective fields. Some members of Sejong have also long-term managerial and practical experience as chairman, executive director, CFO, financial controller, or company secretary of private companies as well as listed companies in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.